When experiencing elevated protein levels in the body, it’s advisable to consult with medical specialists. This is a step we can take for our peace of mind.
We can consult with several different types of doctors to determine the cause and appropriate treatment. Our recommendations for specialists who can assist are:
An internal medicine specialist focusing on diagnosing and treating kidney diseases, including issues with protein levels in urine. They could help us understand whether the problem is caused by a kidney condition or another state.
If elevated protein levels are linked to endocrine (hormonal) dysfunction, an endocrinologist can help identify and treat the underlying cause.
Dealing with diagnosing and treating blood disorders, including conditions that may lead to elevated protein levels.
In some cases, high protein levels may be caused by liver disease or other gastrointestinal issues. A gastroenterologist can help diagnose and treat.
If elevated protein levels are associated with autoimmune disease or inflammatory conditions, a rheumatologist can provide guidance for managing our condition.
In some cases, high levels of certain types of proteins may indicate cardiovascular problems. A cardiologist can assess our heart function and recommend appropriate treatment.
It’s important to remember that we should always consult a healthcare professional if we have concerns about protein levels in our body. They can help us understand the cause of the symptoms and prescribe a treatment plan.